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Jennifer Young

Jennifer Young offers free accredited, certified training for an unlimited number of therapists to support spas post-pandemic

free courses & offers Oct 01, 2021

Therapist trainer, Jennifer Young, is lending her support to spa partners experiencing therapist retention and recruitment challenges post-pandemic, by offering free accredited, certified oncology training for an unlimited number of therapists

  • The spa industry is experiencing unprecedented demand
  • It comes at a time when there is a massive skills shortage in the industry
  • The issue is inhibiting the post-pandemic recovery of the spa industry

The spa industry experiencing a boom in demand from customers, but it comes at a time when therapists are leaving the industry in droves.

After 18-months of largely being forced out of the work environment, many have chosen to find new careers. Meanwhile new recruits have not been able to benefit from the hands-on experience they would normally have had during their training, and they are not trained in spa specific therapies.

Providing this training is an investment that is hard for businesses to make when the wellness industry has been closed for nearly a year. The result is a massive skills shortage at a time when the spa industry is desperate to get back on its feet.

Therapist trainer, and specialist in oncology touch treatments, Jennifer Young, recognises that many spas are between a rock and a hard place. Spas want to welcome guests, especially those affected by cancer, and need specialist qualifications to do so. Many spas have already invested in Jennifer Young training, only for their therapists to leave the industry, having used lockdown as a time for reflection.

Therefore, Jennifer Young and her team have pledged to support spa partners currently experiencing therapist retention and recruitment challenges, by offering free accredited, certified training for an unlimited number of therapists until the end of October 2021.

Jennifer says: “I hoped that, when spas were able to re-open, the worst was over. Sadly, I was wrong. The therapist recruitment and retention crisis has left many spas operating a reduced service. We don’t want this for either our spas or those affected by cancer. If ever there was a time that clients living with and beyond cancer needed a specialist treatment, it is now. We want to help. Having spoken to many spa professionals, the way in which we can most help is by opening up our accredited and certified qualifications to all, without charge.  We are offering our existing spa clients free access to our spa-specific training during October. There is no limit on the number of therapist employees who are welcome to enjoy the qualification.”

VitaSpa owner Nikki Spicer said: “Since lockdowns started, Jennifer Young has come to the rescue with amazing regular webinars, including Jennifer sharing her expert knowledge on infection control. It gave us therapists a chance to learn something knew whilst at home and knowing that the industry was struggling, they even made the courses free. Since opening back up again, budgets are certainly tight and this new initiative of free training throughout October is incredible. More therapists trained to welcome those living with cancer into their spas and salons is a marvellous thing. Thank you, Jennifer Young for your amazing support throughout this pandemic.”

The offer is open to existing clients who have previously joined Jennifer Young’s Spa Welcome Programme. Further details are available by contacting the team at JenniferYoungTraining.com or call 0800 999 8518.